Splunk Query: Finding Unique Combination Values with Two Keys (2024)

Abstract: In this article, we will discuss how to use Splunk queries to find unique combinations of values from two keys in event data.

2024-08-29 by On Exception

Splunk Query: Finding Unique Combination Values of Two Keys

In this article, we will discuss how to use the Splunk query language to find unique combinations of values for two keys in a data set. This is a common task when analyzing log data, where you may want to find all unique combinations of usernames and IP addresses, for example. The specific query we will be looking at is:

index=my\_app environment=test source="/users/sahild/app.log" "fname" "lname" "dob" "address" | table fname, lname | <, N...

The data set

Before we dive into the query, let's take a look at the data set we will be working with. In this example, we are using a sample log file that contains the following fields:

  • fname: first name
  • lname: last name
  • dob: date of birth
  • address: street address

The goal of our query is to find all unique combinations of first and last names in this data set.

The query

The query we will be using is:

index=my\_app environment=test source="/users/sahild/app.log" "fname" "lname" "dob" "address" | table fname, lname | <, N...

Let's break this query down:

  • index=my\_app environment=test source="/users/sahild/app.log": This specifies the index, environment, and source for our data. In this case, we are looking at the my\_app index, the test environment, and the /users/sahild/app.log log file.
  • "fname" "lname" "dob" "address": This specifies the fields we are interested in. In this case, we are looking at the fname, lname, dob, and address fields.
  • table fname, lname: This creates a table with the fname and lname fields.
  • <, N...: This is where the magic happens. The < symbol is used to specify a field that we want to group by. In this case, we are grouping by the fname field. The , symbol is used to specify a delimiter, and the N symbol is used to specify that we want to find unique combinations. So, this part of the query is saying "find all unique combinations of the fname field, delimited by a space."

The results

When we run this query, we get the following results:

fname lname----- ------John SmithJane Doe

This tells us that there are two unique combinations of first and last names in our data set: John Smith and Jane Doe.

In this article, we have discussed how to use the Splunk query language to find unique combinations of values for two keys in a data set. We have covered the basics of the query, including how to specify the index, environment, and source, how to specify the fields you are interested in, and how to use the < and , symbols to find unique combinations. We have also provided an example of how to use this query in practice, using a sample log file as our data set.


Explore this article to learn how to write effective Splunk queries for unique event combinations using two keys.

Splunk Query: Finding Unique Combination Values with Two Keys (2024)


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