F2000 Guide - NextGenUpdate (2024)

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Now As you reach level 60 you should be greeted with a nice little message saying you have unlocked the F2000. Wonderfull!


The F2000 is a very, very tricky weapon to use. Statistically the F2000 deals 30 damage close up, then dropping down to a misrable 20 at far distances. which means it has the lowest damage per shot value for any assult rifle ( tied with the ACR and such) It also only has 30 bullets in a clip. like any other assult rifle.

But. And this is a big but. The F2000 has a insane amount or recoil compared to the other weapons. it deals the same damage as the ACR yet has a trillion times the recoil.
It has slightly aweful iron sights yet they are useless as long range, due to the horrible damage. So you would think to help balance the weapon you might get a secret boost for the damage multiplyers...


Infact the F2000 is not anywhere near a long range beast. more like a mosquito bite. annoying.

The F2000 loses to every other assult rifle at medium range. in order to control the recoil you must stop shooting. while the other rifles just keep pumping you full of lead.

And the F2000 loses at short range, as it would be better to use a SMG or a shot-gun.

There is only one thing the FN2000 has over ever other assult rifle in the game.
It is pure madness.

The rifle is like the P90 with Rapid fire X2 compared to the other rifles.
If you aim at a chaps legs, by the time you reach his head you will have shot him a zillion times.

So what does this mean?
The F2000 is a surprise beast. when you get yourself into a "uh-oh" moment. the F2000 claws at your opponents face. Until its gone.

And thats why I use it. It is way more fun then any other rifle in the game.

The red dot sight: This helps, but In my opinion it is useless as you can see people at the same distance anyways, it simply puts a big red dot over something that wont be there in a tenth of a second. the first time you shot the dot will be pointed at the sky. as for close quarters. It is the same effect as the iron sight, you put it into the chest and fire. If you plan on using the iron sights then make sure your seconday weapon is good for close quaters. when you use a red det the time it takes to ADS is longer.
If you plan on using the Red dot then keep the weapon to medium distances.

The Holographic sight:
This is rather handy, actually. I was surprised to see that, and it almost feels like I can control the recoil more through this sight then any other. which still is not saying to much. use with burst style fire. if you hold the trigger you will be shooting the sun. The same apply's with the red dot sight. Make sure you have a good close quaters weapon, the ADS time is longer then just using iron sights.

The Acog Sight:

The Thermal sight:
after getting what will seem like an impossible 20 kills with the acog sight, you will unlock the thermal. This sight helps. in the sence that your boss just helped you by "letting you go" It is best used in situations where the campaing (note: not camping) comes in, the F2000 with a thermal sight is not bad, just, there is no point. use other weapons with the sight and it becomes apparent. you lose the ability to use the extreme fire rate by attempting to do small burst shots in order to compensate for the aim.

Sights in general: Your adding a sight to help you spot and see at longer range. yet this is the worst aspect of the rifle. long range is impossible. you might be lucky sure. but not consistant. which is why the next lot of attachments are more usefull.

Grenade luncher:
This helps quite a bit when you see someone coming down from a longer distance. You cannot win with the weapon, so noob tube him into oblivion. It really makes it's mark when you find yourself scrounging for ammo, as this acts as a "third" weapon with two shots. the best use for this attachment is on larger maps like "Afgan, Derail and wastland" where you sometimes cannot hit people at those longer ranges.

This is a iffy, yet still usefull. I have had many times where I use the shot gun to pump the knifers and the AA-12'ies into the score board. Yet it is quicker to let the F2000 rip apart your close range opponents with its high rate of fire. The shot-gun is a close quarters weapon, yet so is the F2000. this attachment will have its use's but not everywhere. use on maps like "Karachi, Highrise and Rust" where your F2000 is your medium distance shooter, and your shot-gun is your weapon when moving building to building or in short close situations.

This attachment is usefull to help the low penetration of the weapon. Although be careful still becuase the FMJ wont save you in battle. unless your hiding behind wooden blocks. the FMJ for the weapon is a bit two sided. yes you gain bullet penetration. Although at the usefull distance of this weapon, usually the opponents are in clear view.

The holy grail, the saving point of this rifle.
when you put a silencer into this weapon it all makes sense. The F2000 is like a eagle diving for its opponents. silent, swift. and to go from one mouse to another. the silencer ensures you wont be put on the map. it helps with the recoil. And it reduces the effective range of the weapon, yet it doesnt matter becuase your usually so close the difference is 1 or 2 damage points. The silencer is my main Attachment to this weapon. and it should be yours also.

Extended mags:
These raise the ammo count to 45, a huge bonus to the player as you fire rate eats through your ammo. usually you end up reloading instead of seeing dead people.
Although the draw back is you only have 1 spare clip without scavanger. which means.
You will couple this with scavanger 90% of the time due to the uselessness of a weapon with "0" ammo left. on the other hand for games like search and destroy those 45 bullets can also become very awesome. becuase when you couple this high rate of fire with big clips. the fun never ends. untill your ammo does.

Tier one:
Marathon -
Marathon is that wonderful perk that allows you to run, forever. Using a weapon like the F2000 means sometimes you must close the gap between you and your target. move from one spot to another. This perk complements the weapon very well for this.

Slight Of Hand-
The ability to change you mag in half the time. Whoever thought of this was a human genious. Because he obviously uses the F2000 also. The tendancy of the weapon to suddenly have nothing in the clip left will be prominant while you play with it. having a shorter reload time helps when you still have a opponent charging at you. there is only one downside to this perk. you may find that if you have a trigger finger, or in this case a heavy right trigger finger. you will be left with "no ammo"

This is another perk which is extremly useful for the F2000. Not only does this mean you can fire like you have a limitless supply of ammo. But if you actually kill someone. you have a limitless supply of ammo! this perk is best added onto using the weapon for both medium and close quarters. when you have a shot-gun or another handgun then you can drop this perk in favor for having your weapon for medium distances specifically.

I personally think that this perk is like saying "no perk" becuase most 2nd attachments contradict the fist one ( such as a sight for distances and a silencer.. which reduces distances.) Although If you love your bling. then here should be your 3 coupled attachments. choose any one of these three twice. do not mix a silencer with a sight. or putting FMJ and Extended mags together. only one per line.

- FMJ/Extended mags
- Silencer/Red Dot/Holographic sight/Acog/Thermal
- Shotgun/Noob tube

One Man Army-
This perk does not complement the rifle. there are three other perks which will help you in any other situation better then this perk. the only reason your using it is to complete the challanges. or have infinate noob tubes. ( which I will hate on you for) If you really plan of using this then Make sure you have a good plan to go with it, sacrificing A secondary weapon can be very costly

Tier Two

Stopping power-
stopping power is a huge help with this rifle. as long as your opponents dont have a U.A.V so something. becuase once you lose your drop on the opponents chances are your going to be out-gunned. if your using stopping power then try staying with a buddy ( although he may not like it) it will help becuase you dont have to worry about long range shooters. which will kill you.

Lightwieght helps with your sprinting speed. This like marathon is great for getting a good flank on your opponents or if you need to get away quickly. Lightwieht is great for a run and gun style becuase the pro version helps you aim quicker. ( after sprinting) which means you can start firing sooner.

This perk, like One man army has its uses elsewhere. if you choose this perk you lose out on some of the other perks which in my opinion, are more usefull. more of the time. This perk should be used for Search and destroy or other modes where the most kills your ever getting is 10 tops. This perk is also good for getting on the U.A.V and the harrier strikes right off the bat. something that can put your team up a few kills quickly.

Cold Blooded-
This, like a silencer is going to be your best friend. As long as you can get the first shot on your opponent 95% of the time your going to win, this will help you close gaps and flank your opponents who usually, especially in Team deathmatch style, almost always have a U.A.V. up. this and stopping power are both very tempting. but with the F2000 for the purposes that it fills. you need to remain unkown to your opponents untill the kill cam pops up.

Danger close-
This perk. Dont even worry about it, skim over it. Cold blooded or stopping power will help you get the best out of your position or bullets. unless you have the noob tube and both Airstrike/harrier/stealth bomber as kill streaks. dont worry about it.

Tier three
Steady Aim-
This perks helps your shooting from the hip. to be honest if you plan of spraying this weapon forget it. you will be wasting ammo and if you miss one shot then your wasting your efforts. the best thing to do with this rifle is to aim down the sights. therefor try to forget about this perk, unless you have a spray and pray style secondary weapon, or shot-gun.

Scrambler is like wearing a giant neon "shoot me" sign. dont ever under any circ*mstances use this. the moment i see my map go fuzzy, I pull out my Knife and start the hunt.

Edit: Alright, after using this perk trying to find the use of it, I found it. This perk works best in Combination with Cold-Blooded ( I think) because U.A.V.'s wont spot you on fuzzy maps, Although when placed right you can block doorways and entrences based on where you team is, For example opponents might rush into a building filled with red dots, although when they get there the entire buildin is scrambled, so they cannot pin-point you, they have no idea how many are in the building, they cant say if they have team mates. And if they are paying any attention to the screen rather then the radar they would see that your teamate is about to force feed them a entire mag filled with lead and copper. Fun.

Yes. Yes. Yes. this perk makes you invisable to the chumps who use the hearth beat senser. which in my opinion is a pethetic excuse for a gamer who has zero reaction time, has no imigination, little knowledge of maps, and even smaller understanding of how to play this game.

Sit rep is like bombsquad, my fovrite all time COD4 perk. ever. although to be honest if you can get around not using this perk, by seeing the obvious claymores infront of you or the flashing C4 packs on he wall. Then forgo this perk for Ninja.

Last Stand-
Not a good choice. Last stand is good for people who get angry about getting shot in a shooting game. this perk will not help you while you still able to stand, so in this sense we want you to be able to use your main weapon the F200 also. last stand ends after a few seconds. but if your still alive then its a waste of a perk choice. honestly choose Ninja.

Commando should be used if you commonly use the knife. other then that if you dont knife people very often then this perk becomes almost usless aside from being able to halo jump off roofs and stuff. If you use the "B" botton or the thumbstick. then use this, if not, Ninja.

General Stratigies:

Remember that you have a weapon that is fairly out-gunned in almost every situation, so you have to use your smarts. Here is a few siggestions to keep in mind while using the F2000

Your Kill streaks: The F2000 works best medium to short range. so having a U.A.V or a U.A.V. jammer will help you spot people inside open area's which you plan on crossing, Or stop the opponents from having a big reminder of where you are.

Use harrier strikes and Helicopers to push your opponents inside buildings and under cover. This way you can get a good flank on the team and mow down a few muppets stuck inside a building.

Use air strikes and stealth bombers to bombard open area's or pretty much block thier view of a few area's this way you can get closer, and get a few kills. instead of dropping 20 bombs on one poor sniper. force a few people into cover, when they come out of a building, plaster them.

Use your kill streaks to complement your class, if you dont have cold blooded. them grab a U.A.V. jammer so the opponents dont have a red dot on you, similar if you do not have a silencer this way you can shoot people without having the entire team bum-rush your location.

Your Secondary Weapon:
your secondary weapon should fufill one of two options.
A short range beast.
Or a long ranger killer.

Short range:
The shot-guns and machine pistols work well to hit people from short distances. but remember that if someone starts plugging away at you, your stuck.

Long range:
Basically two options.
M93 Raffica: A M16 machine pistol. brilliant 3 shot burst. this works wonders hitting long range players. You can rock this for the range and keep your F2000 as your medium and close range.
44. Magnum: A anti-sniper handgun. will hit people from a mile away and drop them in 2 or 3 hits. its brilliant. it does more damage then a Desert Eagle and honestly you can shoot it twice as fast without missing.

Suggested Start up classes for various modes Which I personally use. and I use wesome names also. because im awesome like this.

Primary: F2000 With a Silencer
Secondary: M93 Raffica FMJ
Equipment: Sticky grenade / 2x stun

1st : Marathon
2nd: Cold Blooded
3rd: Ninja
Deathstreak: your choice. I like marty.
A suggested Kill streak: Harriers or Attack helicoper.
Name: Scarecrow ( as found in Estate Takedown)

Reason for this class: the F2000 will work its magic with the silencer, the Cold blooded will help you not be pointed out by U.A.V's and other flying killing kill streaks, Also ninja keeps your steps silent so you can run through buildings without worry about noise. and Raffica is used for situations at longer range, although you may not get alot of kills. it keeps you alive and thier heads down. and Marathon will get you from point A to B without looking like a fat kid running out of breath. Sticky grenade for help clearing rooms
Use the Harriers or Attack heli's to help push your opponents into a building. then pick them apart.

Primary: F2000 With Red Dot/Holographic sight
Secondary: Any shotty of your choice with a grip.
Equipment: Pick one: Grenade/Sticky/knife with 2x flash

1st: Slight Of Hand
2nd: Stopping power
3rd: Commando/Ninja if you dont knife much.
Deathstreak: nuke. lol. naw anthing you want.
Suggested kill streak: 4 kills U.A.V jammer
Name: Cypher ( as found in the Gulag)

Reason for this class:
This is using the rate of fire coupled with stopping power to mow down your opponents real quick. the Red dot/Holographic sight will stop out guys at medium ranges and then of course with the help of stopping power will hopefully mow them down. the Shot-gun is used for the Close up allys and buildings. The U.A.V. jammer is to help you, as you wont appear on the map, so you dont have to worry about having a big red dot that says "shoot me!" on your opponents maps.

Primary: F2000 with Extended mags ( if you get this far, I know you will. its fun. serious)
Secondary: M9 Extended Mags or G18 with Extended mags
Equipment: Knife 2x stun

1st: Scavanger
2nd: Lightwieght
3rd: Ninja
Suggested kill streak: U.A.V. jammer and Harrier/Attack Helicopter
Awesome name: Sparrow ( As found in the Gulag)

Reason for this class:
Scavanger so you have planty of ammo to feed your 45 mag beast. and the lightwieght comes in conjunction with:
First get your U.A.V. jammer, then get your harriers or Attack helicopter.
The moment you use them, right after use the U.A.V. jammer ( you thinking what im Thinking?)
When you force your opponents into the building, which are now afraid becuase they have no Radar Run in, REALLY fast using lightwieght and start the bullet fest. The 45 mag F2000 and the 25 round M9 are absolutly beast. if your not the pistol-ing kind of guy, substatute with the 50 round G18 mow them all down. Then watch as they spawn in the open infront of a AC-130 or a Chopper Gunner waiting at your call. get into the open ( becuase people run to buildings when these things come out) and start repeating what you just did. If your fast enough the U.A.V. jammer will still be up, so you can still kill the few guys who have no idea whats going on. easy 2000 points in a TDM game. or pretty much a round win in SnD

thanks to mimical theory for this

F2000 Guide - NextGenUpdate (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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