Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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13+4 with twins and going to start iron infusions in a a few weeks. What should I expect? Does it really help with the anemia symptoms? How long is each appointment?

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (2) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (3) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (4) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (5) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (6) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (7)




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Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (8)


i have been getting them myself.. I'm currently in the hospital and now have had my 3rd infusion..apparently my twins keep taking all the iron and leaving my body with nothing so it's not helping me at all unfortunately..
so I literally feel zero difference after I get the infusion.. also it takes about 30 minutes or so

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (9) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (10) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (11) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (12) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (13) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (14)


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I did my 3 infusions, last one was 2 weeks ago. Mine lasted 90 minutes each time. For me it made a world of difference, I had no energy whatsoever. After the 1st infusion, I started to have more energy a few days after, was still very tired but felt like 50% better. Once I completed the 2nd, I felt more like myself and wasn’t constantly falling asleep multiple times a day.

It was so worth it for me, the pills were not helping to restore my levels fast enough.

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (21) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (22) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (23) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (24) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (25) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (26)


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Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (27)


I had them done every week for a month and I felt great after! Before I was like so tired and drained and 0 energy but after a few infusions I started to feel like myself again!

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (28) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (29) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (30) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (31) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (32) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (33)


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I just had three infusions over the past two weeks.

Mine took 2.5-3 hours per session. I feel more mentally alert and awake, but I’m 33 weeks pregnant with big babies, so I’m still very uncomfortable and resting a lot.

I have a hard time stomaching iron pills, so I was worried how I’d react, but it’s been totally fine. I was a little nauseous after my first treatment, but I’m often nauseous because of the pregnancy. I was fine the other two times, so it may have been completely unrelated to the iron itself.

I was able to take drinks and snacks and my husband sat with me, so it really wasn’t terrible. I just got to kick back in a lazy boy style chair with warm blankets.

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (34) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (35) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (36) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (37) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (38) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (39)


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Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (40)


I had to get it twice when i was 23-24 weeks. My iron levels were very low!

The first dose was the only one that gave me back pain. I can’t explain but felt like chills going down my back I hated it but it went away after like 4-5 hrs i guess my body was just adjusting to the iv. The 2nd dose i did not feel a thing. I got my energy back almost as soon as i got my 1st Iv I was not falling asleep all day like before. Now i onlytake iron pills to keep my iron levels up.

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (41) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (42) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (43) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (44) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (45) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (46)


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I have had 3 in 1 week 2 more next week. 26 pregnant with di di twins. No side effects from me and they took about 20 minutes

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (47) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (48) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (49) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (50) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (51) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (52)


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I needed them when I was pregnant with my twins a few months ago- Iwas so scared about it but it ended up being so easy and relaxing actually haha! It took an hour each session and I needed 5, most were a week apart. Iron pills did nothing for me. Pregnancy with twins will make anyone tired- so I’m sure the infusions helped me from being absolutely exhausted! Felt great after each one, no side effects at all.

Also essential for not bleeding out at birth, but my iron dropped again after birth, so I will probably need to go get the infusions again.

Also not sure if everywhere is like this, but you probably can ask for a snack, water, and a heated blanket, and take advantage of the time to yourself, too! :)

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (53) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (54) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (55) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (56) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (57) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (58)


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Definitely worth it! Your hemoglobin is how your babies get oxygen. I got 3 during my pregnancy and 1 right after birth. No side effects for me.

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (59) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (60) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (61) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (62) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (63) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (64)


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Yes ☺️ my ferritin (iron stores) was 2 the first time my OB checked my iron. I had 3 rounds of 3! I felt alive again after the 3rd treatment, first round. It was 1 a week for 3 weeks then redraw!!

I have anemia issues/history of GI bleeds and being preg with twins was the icing on the cake. That's why I had to go so many times.

When I didn't have the infusions I felt dead tired, beyond belief

Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (65) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (66) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (67) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (68) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (69) Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (70)


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takes about an hour. felt normal afterwards

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Anyone ever need iron infusions? How did it feel during, after? Side effects? Was it worth it? - Multiples and Twins | Forums | What to Expect (2024)


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